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Cinnabar: Alchemy
Element: Fire
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus Third Eye
Cinnabar helps transform the smaller self into the Higher Self form. It helps one manifest so they are in alignment with their soul blueprint in life. Alchemists are magical as they used to transform items into gold, but the ultimate transformation was turning one self into a higher form through magic. Alchemists are able to walk into between the magical world and the everyday physical world. This crystal will help break the mold and beliefs in the “every day world” to shift reality into a different reality.
Balanced Alchemist: Uses his or her own gifts to shift the outside world and break barriers that exist using supernatural powers.
Imbalanced Alchemist: Misuses their power for manipulation, seduction and even trickery. They use their gifts for unethical reasons and personal gains and integrity and superiority.