How to Receive Messages From Your Crystals

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You choose a crystal you may not even know why, but it’s yours. You just had to have it.  And even if you have one “type” of crystal, you may still purchase more of the same kind because it’s different from the others in some way.


I get it. I’m a crystal hoarder lover too!


Every time I purchase a crystal, I’m really asking, “What do I need in my life?” Have you ever noticed that you are drawn to the very thing that you are currently working on? I always want to timestamp mine so I can see my life timeline in crystal land, but I have yet to figure out how!


What I do know after loving them for well over 20 years is that I know exactly what each one is for and how it has helped me. If I am helping a client or myself,  I know precisely what that crystal is for. It has more value than a description from a book, it becomes part of my life experience.




When I walk into a store, wherever I gravitate to, that’s where I go! Allow the magic to lead the way. It’s that crystal that looks you in your eye and you think, “hmm….that’s a nice looking crystal!” For example, I went to a store and saw a crystal that “stared” at me. I picked it up and held it. I liked it, I was drawn to it, but then I put it down and walked out of the store. Two weeks later, my girlfriends and I walk into the store. The crystal is still there. I was drawn to it instantly. I can’t tell you why yet, just that I liked it.


In this case, I walked away from the crystal the first time because I wasn’t ready to work with it. When you are ready to purchase a crystal, it’s because it’s energies are aligned with you. You are ready to work with it.


As I walked up to the counter to purchase, I asked the girl working what “black agate” is used for. She responded with bereavement and stressful times. That’s odd. I’m not grieving and I’m not stressed was my first thought! Yet, I still purchased the crystal. Why? Because I just knew it was for me. Remember to allow the crystal to speak to you. Don’t just use the words from books or descriptions on tiny papers put on display as that it what it is! If you are drawn to it, there’s a reason!




You may want to clear your crystal first from the previous energies of the store, other people touching it, etc. You may also want to consider charging it up in the moonlight or sun before using it. I check the charge with my hands. If it has a lot of energy on it (probably from being around other crystals to keep the charge) then I use it. The clear and charge techniques to connect can take less than 5 minutes and yet other crystals need more time.




  • One of the techniques I teach in my Intuitive Chakra Practitioner class is how to use a meter. You place options on the meter, connect with higher realms and receive the impression. It’s a helpful tool in many ways. For understanding the energy of the crystal, I place the values: BODY, EMOTIONS, MENTAL & SPIRITUAL in the meter. Allow the meter to tell you the answer by being open to receiving the answer.


  • Another intuitive technique is to place the crystal in your receptive hand (the hand you do not write with). Close your eyes and allow the colors to come through. Whatever color you see, you can connect with a message. For example, my particular black agate gave me a green impression so I know that I’m using it for healing energies.


  • Yet another way to connect in is to FEEL what is going on with your body. Place this crystal on your heart chakra or receptive hand and ask yourself, “Where are the sensations in your body?” If you pictured the energy flow of this crystal which way does it flow? Does it stay in one chakra? Does it flow up through your head? Does it move you down through your feet? These are clues to your crystals energy!


Ask your crystal to show you a scene. Where does this crystal take you? What do you experience? In my black agate example, I instantly became pulled down to the earth.  I felt a releasing of energy, therefore I’m releasing old energy.


Let’s putting it all together.


  • CHECK THE METER: My black agate told me this crystal is used for my body, emotions and spiritual connections.
  • MEDITATION: The energy color it’s emitting is GREEN
  • FEELING: I felt my energy move down to the earth star chakra. This indicated releasing and letting go of energy.




Look at the aspects of what’s going on currently in your life and connect the dots. Your crystal is yours for a reason. It will match the frequency you are needing at this very moment in time. As you connect the dots of your current situation, you will see more connections.




Once I know what my crystal is used for, I place Crystal Reiki Symbols inside the crystal to increase, enhance and align the energies more. In particular, this black agate works with grounding the spiritual and the physical dimensions into reality. Therefore, I used the DOORWAY IN-BETWEEN WORLDS symbol and the GROUNDING symbol.




You are developing a deeper relationship. You will know and understand exactly what your crystals are used for and can match that up to what you or your client is going through to assist.


I would strongly suggest working with ONE crystal at a time. I went to the store yesterday and brought home quite a few back, yet I need to have patience! You do too! You will miss information from your crystal if you start to work with them as combinations. Take it slow and enjoy the crystal connection process.


Remember to always trust your process. Your process is always perfect. Honor it.




Amber is an Energy Healer, Spiritual Counselor, Crystal Reiki Master, Usui Reiki Master and Health Coach. She specializes in connecting clients to open their intuition and experience a life of alignment, joy and happiness.

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