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The physical body is an amazing instrument. The depths of understanding its vast knowledge is still unknown. As I have continued my work as an energy healer, I realize that the body is not so solid but very energetic with beautiful currents running through each second. These currents have their own wisdom and communication stored throughout.


I have talked about my own personal experience with being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis as a way of being “real” with the information I present to you. This is a way for me to describe from my own experience, growth and healing processing in addition for you to understand the process.


If you are faced with a physical problem, please know that healing occurs on all levels when you are willing to be healed.


I can admittedly tell you that I went to the doctors complaining about everything under the sun before I was finally diagnosed with MS. Every test and thousands of dollars later, revealed that I was perfectly fine. The problem was that my experiences were in my energy field and did not manifest through the energy field into the physical body yet. But being an energetic being, I could feel it coming on strong.

Then one day I was in a meditation space and in flew the information I was looking for. I clearly heard, “You have an autoimmune disease.” I shrugged and dismissed it. Who wants to hear any kind of bad news like that!


Energy is information. This information will arise in your aura field well before it manifests into the physical body. If you hear a whisper of wisdom and push it away, you are denying your own souls’ truth. If I couldn’t admit that I had a problem, I couldn’t heal.


I also see clients who will come in for a physical problem with the intention to heal and yet when I ask their Higher Self or go into their subconscious state, I see a red flag. This means they are hanging onto something that is preventing their need to heal. This can be a challenge for me to talk to clients about this because the denial is so great. You may think, “Who wouldn’t want to heal?” But some clients feel they have benefits of not healing. For example, I had one client who did all the work for her family. When she became ill with no other conclusions from doctors she came to me. I saw in her energy field that she was being taken care of by her family. Underneath, she loved this attention. She craved having her husband and children take care of her. Because of this subconscious feeling, she couldn’t start her own healing process. When I mentioned it to her, she became angry that I could propose such a thing, but sometimes bringing the truth to the surface is uncomfortable. She had deep rooted emotional issues that needed to be addressed and were affected her process to start the healing.




Nothing is ever set in stone. Its always between your soul and the heaven’s above. I love the stories when I read, “doctors gave him six months to live and its been five years!” My sweet friend Donna was one of those amazing fighters. She was diagnosed with stage four liver cancer and instead of the few month diagnosis, she lived for many years. Alex Trebek is another great example. He was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and is in near remission as of this post. Both of these people are amazing examples of how they were willing to heal and started the process.


This is a time of truth. Its time to get on board with yourself. Ask yourself truthfully, are your ready to make the changes and steps needed in order to heal?


Your body holds onto emotions.


Now that you are ready, committed and fully formed to heal. We must also address the emotional aspect of the illness. Anywhere in the body, you can find deep seated emotions stored from within. I have been shown pictures or time periods when clients (and myself) have been shut down leaving negative imprints behind. Our body stored these emotions and be part of our healing process.

Bringing the dark to the light can be a difficult road but I can assure you that once its brought to light, you will feel free. When you are not suffering anymore, your soul shines. I say this with light, but it can truly be hard work, especially for if not admitting the truth from the beginning.




If you are dealing with a health issue or even if you know someone who is, please know that you are your own healer. Healing can occur on all levels – emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. Many people give their power away to others to incorporate healing for them leaving them feel helpless.


But you are have this amazing gift inside of you. It’s called intuition. Its the brightest light force guide within each of us. I know for me that people will tell me how to heal because they want me to get better, but I tune inside and listen to the voice. Is this in the my highest good? Do I have ego or fear behind my decision?


I had a client who was really upset that her father passed away. She told me that he was stubborn and didn’t get the medical treatment necessary to cure his condition. I asked if she knew for sure that if he took the medical treatment, he would be cured? She replied that she didn’t, but his chances would have been higher.  She was holding a lot of anger because she wanted him to be alive. I kindly looked at her and said, “But he lived life the way he wanted to live it. Maybe he looked into his intuition or had a conversation with his soul which lead him down that path. He consciously made the choice to take the path that he felt was best for him.” That decision alone will give people much peace within themselves. When a person doesn’t feel powerless but empowered to do whats best for them its invigorating for the soul. What a responsibility and yet a great gift to hold.


Remember, your intuition is a powerful tool to assist you in your day to day actives and this includes healing. It is up to you to develop it and listen to the whispers its communicating.




One of the things that I love to do is ask my body what my body wants. It happens automatically. For example, I’m at the grocery store and purchase avocados. I get them home yet decide not to eat the avocados and they sit on my counter for a week. Why did I buy them? Because my intuition was pinging me that my body needed a nutrient that the avocados can provide. This happens all the time.


As you tune into the wisdom of your body, you will realize what its craving for. I can tell you its probably not really that sixth cup of coffee or late night ice cream! When you spark your intuition and guidance, you will also hear messages from your body.


I actually stop during the day and ask, “What does my body need?” My head may say a sub (we have an amazing pizza place next door to work!) but my body says, “Go get a homemade squeezed juice!” Food is healing. Food provide building blocks that your body needs for health and wellness!


Not only will your body communicate with you for the right food choices for wellness but also what it needs. For example, you may need an afternoon nap. With having MS, I am tired throughout the day. I channel healing energy which leaves me out of my body and therefore I need extra TLC to my nervous system. Instead of shoving that extra cup of coffee down, I go home and sleep. I need to. I have to. I’m at the point where taking care of me is a priority so I do. I try to do all my healing sessions in the morning to early afternoon so I can take a thirty minute nap before I start the after noon errands. Again, my body is communicating so I listen.


When your body is stressed, it will show up  as well. Sometimes stress looks like acne, other times stomach pains, etc. Your body is speaking with you all the time. No matter if you are dealing with an illness or not, empower yourself by listening to the messages of your body.


Get out of your head, your ego, your mind. Release. Surrender and ask, “What message is my body trying to convey?” You will receive intuitive hits. You will sense that maybe you should have been gluten free years ago! Or perhaps you had a hunch that dairy is a culprit to your health. Take that hint and go with it. Test it out. What is life like without gluten? Dairy? Maybe you have a specific food allergy to nightshades? Be your own advocate for health and empower yourself on your healing journey.



Amber is an Energy Healer, Spiritual Counselor, Crystal Reiki Master, Usui Reiki Master and Health Coach. She specializes in connecting clients to open their intuition and experience a life of alignment, joy and happiness.

Check out her *new* Intuitive Health Empowerment Package or book an Energy Healing Session.