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I’m giving a healing session when I say to the client, “There’s a man here. Uhm, I believe he’s on your father side.”

“Can you tell me his name?”

Instantly my pointer finger moves up and I start to write in the air. My body is filled with an energy that is not mine and my finger starts to move. I write out, D-a-v-i-d. “David. His name is David.”

“Oh! That’s my Uncle David!”




I first learned how to channel my Higher Self and the team of angels through automatic writing. It was the easiest way for me to gather information. I was probably around age 11 at the time. I would fill up books and my hand would ache because the information would come in too quickly. That’s when my mom bought me a typewriter. 🙂


The other day I asked my guides who was with me and I heard, “Michael”. Then I was told to grab my journal because I was going to channel. I filled up three pages in what felt like under a minute! Let me tell you, when they say to channel, you channel! ha!


What is automatic writing?


Automatic writing is a great way to channel in Spirits and receive guidance from them. I look at it as I’m having them “have the floor” so to speak. You are able to receive a lot of detailed information this way.


What does it feel like?


In my physical body, I allow Spirit to run through me, so the information runs through a mile a minute. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like my own hand and sometimes it does. It depends on the Spirit that I’m channeling.


When you say, “Spirits” who do you mean?


You can channel the angels, your guides, deceased loved ones, ancestors, Ascended Masters – anyone who is a Spirit!


Can anyone use automatic writing?


Yes! If you can write or type on your computer, than you can learn to write automatically!


Some pointers on starting:


  • Open a blank word document or grab a piece of paper to write.
  • Set an intention
  • Who do you want to speak with? What do you want to know? This will help guide you and start you on the path.
  • Some people like to meditate or breathe in deeply before starting. Write down a question. Then, without judgment, let the pen flow!


You may feel like you are making things up. This is common. Your logical side of the brain is trying to understand this new concept. As you practice, it will become easier and easier.


Who am I channeling?

Set an intention before you channel, who do you want to speak with? What do you need help with? I like channeling my Higher Self and the angels, but you can start with who feels comfortable to you.


You will know that you are channeling a spirit that is of the light when the words are high vibrational and beautiful. Angels would never tell you that you are awful! They are beings of light. If you feel anything less than love in your guidance, it’s not an angel!


The more you do this process, it will become second nature to you. Just like when I moved my hand in the air to “write” out the clients name. Do you automatic write? Let me know your experience below.









One Comment

  • Jamie

    I am sometimes driven to write. It feels as if my hand HAS to move with pen to paper—always pen to paper—but I think I get so caught up on the drive that words don’t actually flow. I will start out by writing that the drive is back, and sometimes that flows into more, but I think I try too hard to force it instead of relaxing and letting it flow. Like I feel like whatever I write has to have meaning or be part of a story.
    Lately I’ve been receiving images that I need to put on paper, so I draw or paint.