Spirits Help from Other Side #LessonsfromSpirit

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Today I co-hosted the Ultimate Chakra 2-Day Retreat with my friend and yoga instructor, Katie. I gave the participants a journaling assignment and played some relaxing music to set a meditative ambiance. I didn’t join in the writing assignment so I decided to meditate for the ten minute assignment instead. But I was quickly jolted by a figure standing next to me who told me his name is Chris.


I wrote down his name followed by an arrow on a piece of paper, so I remembered to ask the girl next to me (let’s call her Jen) if she knew a “Chris” who crossed over.


She happen to finish before everyone else so I passed the paper to her. Her face lit up as she said wrote, “that was a friend who crossed over.”


Then I replied, “He’s talking about a girl with brown hair with a name that starts with the letter A, like Amber or Amanda.”


She wrote, “My friend Amy died this week,”


I picked up my pen and began to write, “He’s telling me that he’s sorry and he’s acknowledging your work. I am seeing an arm with a needle in it. Did your friend use drugs?”


She replied that they both passed away from an overdose.




Chris, who once was Jen’s friend in physical form was now part of her Spirit team. This means that he’s part of her “crew” for this time period. Assisting her the best way he knows how.


You see, it turns out that Jen used to also be a sponsor for Amy, the girl who just passed. Chris acknowledged Jen’s work and how she was now assisting others in recovery. To make the connection even better, Jen was also helping Chris heal his own soul even though she didn’t realize it or had the awareness of this.


Chris is supporting Jen in her recovery work by trying to assist others in the physical world who are going through the same thing he went through. He supports Jen in her work from the Other Side. This could be anything from whispering in her ear and nudging her to do something to giving her signs or messages all around so she saw them. But what’s interesting is that as he does his work to help Jen, he’s also helping himself.


People have asked me before what happens when a person dies by accident, like in the example of an overdose.  I am told that we still have lessons that we go through for our soul growth however we learn them a lot quicker in a denser reality here on Earth. That they can pair up with people in the physical realm to help that person with their soul development. Whatever the challenge was in life that they may have had a hard time overcoming or learning through, they “tag team” with another person close to that situation to help them through. As we work through our stuff on the physical realm, it also helps heal their Soul too.


Jen also told me that she had a dream of Chris a few nights prior. Please, KNOW that there are never any coincidences. Dreams are visitations from our loved ones on the Other Side. This was a synchronicity specifically for Jen! She knew he was around her before I ever wrote the words on the paper. THAT’S how Spirit works. Its us who find doubt to if that person could really be around. And Yes!!!  This is absolutely how they communicate with us. I would bet that if a ghost jumped out and talked to you, you may scream. However if they entered your dreams, you would feel safe. Which way would you like to see your loved ones? I think he kept it safe by entering her dreams. 😉


What Spirit teaches me time and time again is that they are never far. It could have been years since their passing, but they can still help us and even help their own soul growth too.