Mapping Out Your Goals #SolarPlexus
Yesterday we discussed how to start creating the life you want or at least where to start.
But sometimes, it’s hard to know where to start still, so I wanted to show you another approach to reaching your dreams and create goals.
Choose an area in your life to help you define your goals. What are you seeking? Be sure to use POSITIVE words.
Example: Run a 5k by the end of August.
Example: Look for the positive when situations arise.
Emotional Goal:
Example: Work on having patience
Spiritual Goal:
Example: Meditate (without expectation) for fifteen minutes daily
Health Goal:
Example: To understand and follow through with my body’s dietary needs
Now choose one goal that you would like to work on.
List challenges for your goal.
Write down the positive solution you will replace it with.`
Health Goal: To understand and follow through with my body’s dietary needs
Challenges on Elimination Diet Positive Follow-Through
having choices on hand Creating a menu plan prior to starting
Making easy dinners for everyone to enjoy Googling a lot of recipes
Saying “no” to temptations Understanding this isn’t forever
How to understand my body’s language Write down food choices and reactions
So you see how this goes. Choose one area to start. As you become confident in that area, add another goal.
This will help balance and strengthen your solar plexus chakra because when we have direction and clarity, we know where we want to go. The solar plexus chakra is about not living life aimlessly but having purpose.
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Love + Light,