Reiki Healing

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I was first introduced to Reiki a few years ago by a Reiki Master, who is also my mom.


I always shrugged reiki off with my tunnel vision and didn’t see the beauty in this amazing healing process. As I laid there once again helpless in bed after a vertigo attack, my mom put her hands on me and started to heal my body. I could feel the heat bounce from her hands to my body as it started to heal. After being shipped to the ER, my experience wasn’t as bad as I previously had it and I know why. I can always count on my mom!

I couldn’t believe it took me years to attend a class.  When I did, I was blown away by what I was missing out on.


I walked into my step-mom’s house where the event was being held and you could feel the energy moving everywhere! Candles were lit, cards and books were laid out and it was quite peaceful and tranquil.


The food was amazingly delicious as well.


So what is this Reiki stuff all about?

According to the International Center for Reiki Training: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

It involves touch, symbols and energy.

You see, there is energy everywhere.

Every single thing contains energy. And through this energy force, we (you and I and everyone) give off different levels of vibration. When you’re energy is low or you’re down in the dumps, your body reacts by being “down in the dumps” as well. For example, when energy is low, you may feel stressed or get sick. When you are giving off high energy, you may feel on top of the world.


Reiki is beautiful as in it’s a simple process that anyone can do and use.  It’s purpose is to improve health and enhance life.  Once you have your attunement, it never leaves.

The attunement is all you need to learn self-healing and can only be given to you by a master. If you would like to further your reiki studies, you can take levels I and II. After you become a reiki master, you can then provide classes and teach others.



Amber Poole is a Reiki II practitioner in Baltimore, Maryland.