Toxins in the Body

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Have you ever noticed how many toxins are around you daily?


Go ahead. Make a list. Count them. I’ll wait…


zzzz…. zzzzz….zzz…


Done yet?



Okay, go ahead.




There are hundreds if not thousands of chemicals that surround us daily.

Honestly, it’s just too much!


You are probably wondering what this has to do with chakras and I’m going to tell you, everything.



When I first started my new path, six + years ago, I became quite good at becoming a gnarly-hippy kind of girl. I learned how to eat healthier, create amazing (may I add) recipes, made my own cleaners, shampoo, toothpaste etc….

Are you getting the picture?

Then I went into a more energy healing direction – what I didn’t understand, until recently, is that it’s all connected.

Let’s look at toxins.

We all know that toxins are harmful and hurt the physical and mental body, right? There are toxins in everything from our food to the clothes we clean to the cleaner used for dishes etc.



But how do toxins affect our chakras?


If you’ve taken the Understanding Chakras 101 Course, you will understand how energy can manifest itself in the physical body. By surrounding ourselves with environmental and food toxins, we are not only polluting our physical body but our energetic field as well.

Your energetic field (chakras, aura, meridians) should be on their best to function properly – in order to do so – the body should be cleansed from toxins as well.

How do we become chemical free? I’ll show you how…



The Chakra Diva’s School of Energy, will not only pertain crucial information on energy healing and crystal therapy (how TCD started) but will contain lots of information, recipes, self-healing techniques, meditations and more of how we can align our chakras on a spiritual and physical plane.

It is my intention to help you, me and anyone else reading this to have a place to learn balance – learn chakras and incorporate the information (if you choose to do so) to inspire a healthy-living lifestyle.

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