#Shiftchanger Movement

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Many times in our lives we may have felt stuck, stagnant or even bored. Not going anywhere, not getting things done, it’s just the same old. Maybe you are feeling this way now.


But truly, this is NOT how we should live our lives!


We can get stuck within our belief system to never change the things we want to change, denial of our circumstances and even caught up in the drama that occurs around us. What we have failed to look at is the ENERGY which is constantly running and playing a major part in our lives.


By creative, (my own definition) a #SHIFTCHANGER is someone who is ready to upgrade their programming. A person who wants to change their life to experience their desires, dreams and co-create their reality. The core of being a #Shiftchanger is pure out happiness and love. But how do we get there? By doing the inner work!


If you are tired of feeling stuck in life, not making the money you want, not having meaningful relationships, being bored and uninspired, then I encourage you to take a peak at this membership


Why is this called a movement?


Collectively as we shift ourselves into higher awareness, we are also making a larger impact on not only ourselves but also shifting the world.


“I may only be one person, but I can be one person that makes a difference.”



BASIC Membership level will receive:

  • New topic each month
  • Podcast of learning
  • Meditation
  • Recommended crystals to work with



Premium Membership level will receive:

  • New topic each month
  • Podcast of learning
  • Meditation
  • Recommended crystals to work with


PLUS …..


  • Access to previous workshops
  • Live chat with me (once a month) to learn even MORE techniques that you can apply to your every day life and ask questions


$23 per month 


To View Upcoming Workshops Click here.


Most importantly, you will learn how to view life through the Universal Energy Forces that are already present in your life. Instead of letting life happen to you, I will show you how to connect in with your own inner light, let go of the circumstances and live in peace and joy.


It takes TWO to create the life for you: SPIRIT (Universal Energy Forces, God, Spirit, whatever you want to call it!) + YOU.


My job in this movement is to fill your TOOLBOX to unfold life to be easier, peacefully and filled with joy. 




Cancel anytime before the last day of the month.

If it’s the first day of the month, you will be billed for that month.